The other men with one breath said she was “loose morally”

To Bertha from Beth Cary – September 7, 1919

[Note: Though this letter doesn’t provide new insights into Bertha, the gossip of a young woman says a lot about the culture of the time.]

Dearest Bobby,

Don’t think I didn’t appreciate your last letter because of my delay in answering. It was such a fine honest letter that I felt both time and inclination must be awaited to answer it. Your opinion on the matter I wrote you of jibes of my own but your “if” is the rub.

You see the man has a very bad heart due to a goiter. I was removed five years ago but left a bum heart so army turned him down. Then last winter when the girl first started to make these disclosures, the man suffered horribly more than anyone I’ve seen. As each new disclosure was forced from her, he went thru a new _____ one and forgave her. To begin at the beginning, he fell as soon as she appeared to teach last fall and was engaged in less than two weeks. At that time, she said she wasn’t sure and acted as though she weren’t really in love with him. His father said she was fooling him when he first met her. (Dad was bedridden and had an unusual intuition when it came to the real thoughts and emotions of the few he saw.) They wanted to be married before Thanksgiving but his mother had a fit and it was postponed until spring. One red head told of her father, a piano seller, in _____ before his death and her sister who taught and her brother are in the army and one in the church – a priest.

Well, first it turned out her father was a dissolute drunkard whereabouts unknown and used to mistreat her mother, etc. – regular shanty Irish. Later at Christmas time, when man was to visit her at her home (mother dead), her aunt’s, she wouldn’t let him go with her at the last moment and finally he wrung from her that the aunt was a boarding-house where she stayed. Her brothers were not as she said but a younger one was in the feebleminded school (from results of scarlet fever, she says.) One sister teaches but two others are missing whereabouts also unknown. To cap it all, she insisted on going home with him for holidays – presumably because he had promised her a diamond but hadn’t brought it (native caution.) Well, when she finally got the ring, she wouldn’t have it because it was three stones instead of one. Wanted the solitaire he had given his mother and finally got it. (He got it back five months later.)

In the meantime, she was sized up by every relative, as being a “bad one.” The nicest, most innocent said a husband somewhere but the other men with one breath said she was “loose morally.”

Late in the spring, we found there had been a boy which she had given away. The man then gave her an education in payment or as reparation which ever you wish. Poor me had to get the confession from her and tell the man. Well, he _____ forgave her that and then I don’t know whether she began to love him or not. Seems to me love is unselfish, yet she begged and pleased until all hours of the nights. One mother was crazy of course but says she’d rather see him dead than married to her. Says they couldn’t be happy because she is such a liar. Now I admit she lied but say who wouldn’t. No sign she will on the future. She admits it; says no girl ever had more to confess and we really forced the lies from her. Kept asking about family, ect. Expecting and taking respectable antecedents as a matter of course. If she hadn’t lied she would never had stood a chance of getting him. In this day and age, successful living down a mistake means concealment for a girl.

Guess she has lived OK the past six years but for the five engagements and five diamonds (all still in her possession). The men were all boys of 21 or under and mad over her as only a woman’s experience can get them. She claims to be 25 but is 32 and looks it. She is a dandy teacher, perfectly presentable and attractive-looking with magnificent red-brown hair. She is rather dramatic which makes it hard to know where her real feelings stops and the grand stand begins. She knows the psychology of love and man backwards so knows just how to work to keep Mr. Man in agony.

I’ll admit the man surprises me at times. He has given up to his passion for her, inspire of the hurts she has given by not voluntarily hustling him. I’d tell him to marry her in a minute but for the fact that her past was well known at school and as soon as she married him, it would be dragged out sure as shooting. The Earth isn’t big enough to hide some things though it is not to anyone’s credit. He has always held his head with the best and has a chance to make a name in the state. The busybodies would soon say he thought he had to marry her, ect. And his mother would be entirely a stranger to him. She has lost him anyway, though, for he thinks her objections selfish. Lots of his thoughts and actions are not as he used to be yet he is not a weak man. If he was, she would have gotten him. When an experienced woman with nothing to lose starts after a man’s “goat,” she is likely to get it.

He was an unusually fortunate man in having few if any of the fights that usually come to the young men but it left him particularly unready for the difficulties in the present situation. Only a man educated to feel that marriage was the first requisites to have, in the satisfaction of his love, could have resisted her. His mother refused the inability to love the girl and my warning that even his children would be called on to suffer for the mother’s sins keeps him from her.

How about it? Do you still think he better try to fight it out or had he better take a chance and marry her? If one could only be sure she really had repented and loved him. It is a mess and no mistake wouldn’t write you all this _____ now it will never go farther and chances are you will never see the interested parties. Oh, yes. Man feels his ideals must be lowered because he wants to marry her anyway. Do you think so?

Have mailed you a set of pictures of the kiddies. Hope you like them. Fred is especially good. Wonder how you and Reba’s boy are getting on. Must seem funny to have a little one in the house. How old is he, five? Fred will be three soon and the baby crawls all over upstairs and down. Sure do think funny sometimes.

Wonder if I’m degenerating or are the animal or rather rather India stories in the Post good. I think them as good as Kipling’s and can hardly wait for more same school of writing _____ are by Will Levington Comfort and Jamin Ki Lost one in Sept. 6th number is particularly good.

Really must ring off or you’ll be bored to death. Lots of love and don’t lose sleep over the puzzle as I have. Could like red head fine if she was only square but had to learn to like her. My instinct is to say, boy you’re 27 years old and ought to know what you’re up to. If your heart says to go on, why hop to it. When it comes to marriage family has no right to interfere and others are too often jealous of their sons and can’t realize they are grown men. On the other hand, the cleaner and finer the man, the easier it is for a wise woman to catch. If more “nice American girls” know how and weren’t afraid to use the wiles the Lord gave them for the purpose they would get the nice man they want every time. Foreign women and southern women do but the northerners and New Englanders either don’t know how or are afraid. The more one studies, the more one finds it is the little things that catch a man they are only big boys after all and one might as well start in managing them from the first, only don’t let them know it.

Lots of love,


She is 17 this winter and the best looking girl you ever saw

To Bertha from Beth Cary –

(Date is approximate, year is 1919)

Dearest Bobbykins,

Christmas season is upon us and I am prepared as usual. Really think that is one thing that the war taught a lot of us, that a jolly Christmas was possible without working half the year. We even took to cards and letters as a family and have enjoyed things. The children and I are at home this year for the first time since I was married. Sort of hard on Leigh to leave him alone at this season but if he gets too lonely, he can go to his mother’s or come here. It is great fun to fix for the kiddies this year. They telephone Santa every day for a different toy. They are typical kids. Alice asks for a dolly, buggy, hot water bottle for it, etcetera, and Fred for wagons and trains. He wants a dolly to ride in the train. Good old babykins is the only one that makes no demands and he will probably cause a _____ by garnering everyone’s store.

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Too bad or rather I might as well have married an Army man. My menfolk have the wanderlust again and have sold out lock stock and barrel. Have the ______ to go with it. Plan on driving out in the spring and camping in the mountains sounds ______ but I fear I’ll wish for my screened porch and running water. We stay where we are for at least two months so the worst weather should be past. This year we can’t state anything as a positive fact. It has been frozen up since 1st of October.

We’re having a _____ this year. Have a _____ a birthday club and the ladies aid. All good eating affairs. Keeps one baking most of the time. I’m having a fine time taking in a dun shows. Have been in the cities in the summer the past four years and hence missed out on the theatre. Saw ______ last week and have three before me this week.

Surely was tickled to hear of your father’s decoration if that is the proper term. Really feel quite “set up” to have as friend the daughter of such a man. Really I’m am very proud of him and know you are. Wonder if Reba’s boy will be an Army man, too. You’ll have a regular Christmas if you have him there. Will know what it is like to satisfy a few youthful demands.

Sally sounds like a _____. She is 17 this winter and the best looking girl you ever saw. A _____ _____ and butterfly but with an ability to work and manage what she wants.

Haven’t any further pointers on our unfortunate romance. Things seem to be at a standstill but the man is making a better fight than he was still crazy but tries to be interested in other things and people.

Wish the holidays were over for they have disgraceable memories and dead hope galore and I’ve a hunch his letters rattle quite a few dead leaves.

Must bundle my family up for an airing. Quite a task when the thermometer stands at zero and below.
Wonder who will be next president of R.M.W.C. Notice Webb died in November. Sundial says Helm Becker is married to a minister. Katie McKriuer writes from Paris that she may move to Coblenz or Warsaw. She writes a _____ letter.

Won’t we all have a grand Christmas with folks safe at home again. Allyn and I both had steak last year but it is a gobbler and _____ this time.

Lots of love and good wishes for the holidays.


St. Cloud is a hustling city of about 15,000 now

To Bertha from Beth Cary –

White Bear Lake

Oct. 3, ‘20

Dearest Bobby,

Ohio has been a _____ summer. Have been at home for three months now and it looks for a while as though we were to be fixtures. However, the boys bought _____ of a nice bank in St. Cloud last week and take possession the 10th of this month. We have a house half way rented, a dream of a place, too, if we can only get it but there is no thing sure. In spite of _____ _____ building, desirable houses are as scarce as _____. People laugh at me for claiming that even the washwoman demands an all modern home now and no one wants the old shacks. Here’s hoping I don’t have to live in a shack or, what is worse, with kids – a second or third stay flat.

I’m unusually pleased over this move as it ought to mean an end to them. St. Cloud is a hustling city of about 15,000 now. It has five or six bands. Ours, “The Merchant’s National” has about a million and a quarter deposits. Father says the boys have their nerve, it’s a big proposition for two boys under thirty, but they know the _____ and business and can do it. Of course, it ties up every cent we had and then some but a little care in living for several years will leave us in pretty good shape, so we should worry. It is a dandy town to live in, about 60 minutes north of Minneapolis. The public schools are good and the normal school is one of the best and oldest in the state. I went to Kindergarten there myself and if we are near enough, both Alice and Fred start this year. They are going to a small private Kindergarten now and doing remarkably well. Seems odd that they are old enough. Am glad though for expect a little sister for Alice in March and it makes it quieter to have them come for a few hours a day. _____ is another reason why I’ll be glad to be settled down soon.

Can’t remember whether your Elko is in Colorado or Nevada or what so will send through the father. Notice that he managed to get into a little _____ even in Denver this summer. Don’t think it would have hurt them to let people keep their war ranks myself. Seems small to shove them back. Don’t believe I’d be a success in Washington, too double to suit me.

Wonder how you will like earning your own living. Ought to be a change at least. $18.00 sounds good to me with the regular hours you have to work. _____’s girl is teaching French in a St. Paul high school this year. Expect they will be married this winter or early in the spring although at present, her salary is so much for nine months as his for a year. However, he has prospects and side earnings. You must try to get into St. Cloud next year, north normal and public schools use several teachers in your line. Is a nice live town, too. High and normal have some buildings.

Ohio is a family litter alright. Should think you would be bored to death, will quit and go riding. Write me all about your new life and don’t forget to mention the address.

Are you much on dogs? My twelve year old brother has a new bull terrier puppy four months old. We call her ‘Freckles’ and she is as much bother as a baby. My baby was scared stiff at first and we had to keep either the pup or the boy out of doors. Imagine a child of mine afraid of anything. Alice is afraid, too, but old enough to try and control it. She did object to his settling into bed with her. Fred _____ _____.

Must quit.

Lots of love,


He kissed me in that dratted taxi

To Bertha from Mary Schubert – (Date is approximate)

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350 High Street
Newburyport, Mass.

Oh Bertha – What an adorable hanky. Many thanks – It is too pretty to weep upon but what else can I use it for.

Everything is weary. I was never so in love and he was never so cool. It couldn’t be worse and the whole darn family is in bed and everythin’ – I’m so weepy. Never mind lots of things turn out all for the best though perhaps we may not see it right away.

He kissed me in that dratted taxi – as I never was before. West Point must be one of the happy hunting grounds.

Loads of love and best wish together with a bunch of thanks.


After all the other bosh, I ought to have agreed. Broken hearted or some such thing – but it’s a little too late to wish, don’t you think?

I deserve all the hard names you can call me

To Bertha from Irwin Hoffman – 
February 18, 1925

Cagne, France

[Note: Irwin Hoffman is the young art prodigy mentioned here. In 1924, Hoffman received The Paige Traveling Scholarship, the Boston Museum School’s most prestigious award. Traveling abroad with fellow award recipients, he studied and painted across Europe. Upon his return from Europe, Hoffman established himself in a NYC studio, which he maintained until his death in 1989.]

Dear Bertha,

Yes, I deserve all the hard names you can call me, but wait until you get over and see many letters you will write. It’s hard to say how Europe reacts on me. One day I feel one way and the next day different about the same thing. So, I would say a word to you of my impressions, every one I’ve met treats them in their personal manner. You undoubtedly will see Europe much differently than I do. But anyway, I’m having a great time, painting and door stuff, and the best of all, doing any damn thing I wish to at the moment I have the impulse. My wings are beginning to grow and life grows more interesting and bigger proportionally. Europe has a wonderful way of turning one upside down and brings one down to earth. Also, it puts New England in its relative position, a position so insignificant that it’s influence of 23 years is getting severe knocks. And thank God for that.

Portrait by Irwin D. Hoffman (1926)
Portrait by Irwin D. Hoffman (1926)

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Aaron and I are flying to Rome in about three weeks, arriving there about March 8th or 9th. We are planning to stay in Italy until the Irish gather for holy year and make things to best. We shall quit Italy in June, then I go to Paris and then to Holland and don’t know what Aarons plans are. But we are to be in Rome for a month. When do you come over? Or are you over here now? I’ll send this to America and another to Rome. It would be droll if you have been there for months already. My address is always C/O American Express, II Rue Sicily, Paris. Best of luck in all you are going.

Regards from.


Miss Bertha Ballou

262 75th Street

Brooklyn, New York
Irwin D. Hoffman 
C/O American Express

II Rue Sicily