Am always watching the papers for any news of your father

To Bertha from Beth Cary – October 19, 1918

Dearest Bobby-Kins,

Just wrote my oldest friend Helen Currie of whom you’ve probably heard me speak. Gave her your address and she will probably call you sometime. She is a university graduate and P.G. of Simmons College on business. She is taking a government position of some sort soon. Really think you girls would like each other if you have time. Know how busy you both will be, though, so merely hope for the best. Honie is square, sensible and awfully jolly. She is Scotch to the backbone which makes for depth and grit. Here’s to your friendship – May it flourish as ours has done.

Wonder if Reba has her expected yet? [Note: If this refers to Bertha’s Sister Reba Ballou (1888-1918), she would have died of Spanish Influenza by the time this letter was received.] I’ve forgotten whether I told you we were in line again. “Peter” will probably arrive before you get this latter. He is due tomorrow, although my children have never proved punctual in the past. Mother is coming up to take care of the present incumbents and I go to the hospital. Guess poor Fred will get his little nose broken nearly as badly as Reba’s hopeful. He thinks there is no one like mother and I’m awfully sharp for him. He is such a good _____ strong clean looking little lad. Daddy and “Unckey Bud” are all for their girl Alice, so Fred has been my boy more than usual. Guess that is what mothers are for, to stick up for the one that needs it most. When I visit at White Bear, most of them are for Fred so I have Alice there – but all the Cary women like Alice best as she is the first little girl in over twenty years.

Got to hustle, here came callers and I may never get a chance for ore tomorrow. Wish you’d take your pen in hand (_____) oftener – but can’t kick _____ _____ do these results in a real letter and I write just a seldom and then _____ _____ _____ _____.

Guess old Minnesota has been in the limelight the past week. Fire has been near enough for all purposes. Was good and smokey for a while but guess dancer is well past now. At least they’re watching. Had a good rain this morning which helped some.

Am always watching the papers for any news of your father – Dad said he had seen his name several times. My brother continues to write regularly but the news is so old when we get it. Being at headquarters he is more fortunate in mail line than many of others in the lines and hunches.

Wonder how your mother is now. Just got done nursing my husband through the sp. _____. He has been out a week and feels OK again so guess the rest of us have escaped. Was awfully careful and still have our fingers crossed. Guess this glorious Indian summer saved the day. Kept the kids out and doors and windows open. Too bad you’re not fond of…
…is wished on you. It does get tiresome sometimes but along famously. There is one piece where health and speed are useful – and when a little system and practical experience are added, it needn’t require much time or energy.

Remember you told of reading Frank’s travels. I’ve never had a chance at the one you mentioned reading but The Vagabond Journey Around the World some years ago. Read it twice in fact. I enjoyed it so much. He is a charming writer. I don’t see anything but magazines of course and…

…I get – take – post, Literary Digest, Everybodies, American, Good Housekeeping, McClures, Proximal Review, Ladies Home Journal and Colliers. “_____” in Good Housekeeping is as _____ us any serial Kathleen Norris is to blame for it.

Really must get supper as kids are whining and it’s after six.

Lots of love,


Katie Mc______ sailed for France October 14 for a year’s kid cross work – sent by…

Here I am back in Washington and so glad to be here
I am getting lots of dinner invitations, much to my regret