I want to see my crazy roommate

To Bertha from Alice (“Sally”) – February 5, 1921

Box 173 – R.M.W.C.

Lynchburg, Virginia

Dear Bertha,

Exams are over!!!!! I don’t know the results yet except that I made 71 on the course in Livy (not good but passing which is better than I hoped) and 89 on Latin and I don’t know what I made in the course. I was mighty glad to get your letter. Yes’m, I am very careful, you see the beauty of my letters to Bob is that they are not to Jack, they are to Bob and they relate the effect of the last letters. They are perfectly open and not the least bit more affectionate that they were before. Simply there are some girls whom I occasionally permit to censor my mail and one who does it without permit and the letters are for their delectation. Bob merely desires to hear what they bring forth. Is that alright?

I wrote the other day and asked William for my bracelet and he sent it. I wrote him a very brief note of thanks. I think that will end that chapter in my history for a while. They way he see’s fit to write me but he hasn’t since Christmas (although I sent him his blocks) and there was not a word with the bracelet. I scarcely know whether I would answer him if he did since he overlooked the blocks episode. Advice needed. Intelligence office, what would you prescribe? It would be better to drop him neatly I think because that will shut him up for a while with something to think about. Then, if I ever met him again, he could have a fair to reinstate himself. He is altogether, too spoiled, however, to worry about. Isn’t it too bad? I wish he had stayed nice. He was eighteen yesterday, I suppose. He is enveloped in tobacco smoke now. He was to be allowed to smoke when he was eighteen. I believe he once told me he was going to swipe his mother’s picture of me and take it to his room when he was eighteen. He would not admit that now, I fear. I wonder what happened, we didn’t fight. In fact, we thought we were friends but when that little box came day before yesterday without even a word in it, I was perfectly certain that everything was all off, even more certain that the fact that he never wrote about the blocks made me. I wish I knew. As I said, advice is solicited.

I have a new roommate who has been here all day so I hear but has not honored me with any message nor appeared at all. She came while I was a History exam and dumped her bags and has been off with some frat girls from Weat ever since. I have straightened the room and now at home to roommates. I hate her because of the looks of her bags and because she can’t be like my Lucy baby. Well, I must go see if the mail is in.

Not a letter! Wow!

I want to see my crazy roommate. She’ll arrive someday however and I know I won’t like her.
Well, I’ve got to stop now and dress. I am going to primp for the “it” in honor of exams being over.



P.S. Please vote purple paper am _____.

It was a $16.00 hat and I paid $1.95 for it
The man is a wonder