I thoroughly approve of her as Senn’s wife

Miss Bertha Ballou

1724 20th Street N.W.

Washington D.C.
Fort George Wright,

May 21st, 1922

Dear Bertha,

I reached home last night and found two letters from you awaiting you. I am wondering a little whether you will be there when this reaches Boston, but, while I am anxious to see you, I hope you will be staying for the concourse and planning for another year. Papa told you the would send you a blank check in case of an emergency and then, he says he forgot to put it in his letter so he wrote me to send it now. He is off today hunting campsites. It is a cold, dreary day and has tried to rain but hardly dampened the ground. I have had to make a fire in the grate.

I had a real nice time at Camp Lewis and like Emily as much as one could expect to like a new member of the family, which is a lot. I thoroughly approve of her as Senn’s wife, and find her such a sensible wholesome girl that I really wonder how he got her. Papa says she has Senn’s nose on the grindstone. All I have to say is, that, if she has, I hope she cranks it up well.

I met a lot of old friends and acquaintances in the camp and met a member of others whom I like very much. I don’t think anyone seemed more please to see me again than Mrs. Skinner, and I was glad to see her, too. _____ came home in time for me to see her. She is quite nice looking, was very quiet while I was there. Mrs. Skinner sent her love to you and said you just must visit Camp Lewis this summer. Emily and Senn too talked a lot about wanting you and Sally to go see them. Jim Simpson sent a lot of love. I am sending a letter from Anna Sterret. I don’t suppose you can very well arrange to see them after you get it, however.

Mrs. _____ cannot get here before the 12th of June. I believe, and will not have time to get more than her own portrait made. However, that will be one good order for you and we will hope you will find someone else who wants a portrait.

I am going to advertise for a maid tomorrow. I may not get a cook, but I can certainly get someone who can clean and wash dishes and prepare vegetables. I would rather do the cooking than all those things and I may not be able to find anyone who will do it all. Mrs. _____ got a girl by advertising with who she is very well please.

Things changed a lot while I was gone. The leaves are out quite well now and the apple blossoms, only very few of the trees seem to have blossomed this year. One in our yard has a few blossoms and the other is very late and may blossom more. My sweet peas are up but still very small.

My hat and coat came just on time and were just what I needed for the trip. I have not seen anyone since I got back, but I guess all are getting alone nicely.

I feel rather tired today, could not get to sleep last night for some reason. Papa and Betsy had kept house very well and it seems good to be home again. I have a lot of dusting to do tomorrow for we have been having plenty of dust all this month.

I think we will soon belong to the real army again, the headquarters and some officers and men of the 4th infantry are coming here and we support Papa will become colonel of the 4th. It’s colonel has asked for retirement and gone on a leave. That will sound better to me than 58th. Papa says, if he stays to retire for age, he stands a chance of running through the entire infantry list at the rate he is going!

Well, dear, I must stop now and write a bit to Sally. _____ her Babbitt and said if you come through Chicopee and could just let her know, she would be so glad to see you if only for a few minutes at the station. Her address is 340 Grove Street, Chicopee Falls.

With lots of love,


The portrait of Mrs. A will need the same canvas you would have used for copies.

Dr. Zdonowiz is a blessed old dear
Today I started on a four-foot canvas and in the afternoon began modeling